
Akira Toriyama’s Sand Land May Be Getting an Anime


Akira Toriyama is one of the most famous creators in anime, and you only have to look at their work to see why. Decades ago, the artist made a name for themselves with Dr. Slump before Son Goku came to life. As the creator of Dragon Ball, Toriyama has billions of fans, and they have shown up to support the artist time and again. So now, all eyes are on the creator now that a throwback series of theirs is back in the headlines.

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Earlier today, an official Twitter page for Sand Land was launched, and it caught everyone’s eye. As you can see below, the page posted a video about Sand Land, and it was there fans were reunited with the 2000 mini-series.^tfw

Sand Land, an Explanation

At this time, the reel has not shared what’s coming for Sand Land, but we do know something is in the works. It seems Toriyama is ready to take Sand Land to new heights more than two decades after the comedy launched. So of course, fans across social media are convinced an anime adaptation is on the way.

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Of course, nothing has been made official, but Sand Land promises to give fans a full update on this teaser shortly. Jump Festa plans to out details about the manga’s comeback on December 17th, after all. For those who have not read Toriyama’s lesser-known series, it is available only through the Shonen Jump app, and its official synopsis can be checked out below:

“In the far future, fifty years of natural disaster and war destroyed most of Earth, leaving only a barren wasteland called Sand Land. The river that provided water to the land dried up long ago, and the supply of water is now controlled by a greedy king. This desolate wasteland is inhabited by humans and demons who live in peace together.

With bottled water sold by the king’s government becoming increasingly expensive to buy, the people of Sand Land thirst constantly and begin robbing one another for water and money. Tired of the king’s greed, the old sheriff Rao goes in search of a long-lost lake presumably located south of the country… He informs Beelzebub, the son of the king of demons, of the existence of the elusive lake which might meet the needs of inhabitants. Along with a size demon called Thief, the trio goes in search for Phantom Lake.”

What do you think about this Toriyama teaser? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.