Life-Size Gundam Mech Just Learned a New Trick

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury is the latest anime series that features the popular mechs that have been a major part of the anime industry for decades. With the second season bringing back Suletta Mercury and the anime creating a Gundam mech that has become the biggest Gunpla of all time, the life-sized Gundam statue continues to stand tall in Japan. Now, the "Walking Gundam" has pulled out a new trick that is spawning a real-life tournament that will take place next month.

The Gundam Factory Yokohama first swung open its doors in 2020, giving fans the opportunity to see a life-sized Gundam statue that has the ability to walk on its own power. While the mech won't be shooting off into outer space any time soon, the statue now has the ability to play "Rock Paper Scissors" against patrons that happen to visit its location in Japan. At present, there has been no word of any Gundam statues making their way to North America, though Netflix is continuing to work on a live-action adaptation movie that will give us a new take on the series. At this point in time, it's hard to deny the impact that the Gundam franchise has had on the anime world. 

Gundam, Paper, Scissors

On May 5th next month, a "Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament" will be held wherein patrons will have the opportunity to try to defeat the real-life mech for a rare prize. Should someone manage to defeat the Gundam, they will be able to have a photo taken of themselves in an area that is normally restricted from the general public. While the creators of the statue haven't mentioned whether this event will be live-streamed, plenty of Gundam fans might love seeing this unique tournament.

The Witch From Mercury might be the big anime story on the block right now, but the Gundam franchise has another big story on the way. Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash released its first film, and has been working on a follow-up that might be the second part of a trilogy. At present, no release date has been revealed for the film that once again brings anime fans back to the original Gundam universe.

Do you think you could take the Gundam in this unique tournament? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Gundam.