In the history of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, there have perhaps been no creepier characters than the duo of Secco and Cioccolatta from the recent season of the anime in Golden Wind, and a pair of cosplayers have recreated these unnerving characters via some amazing cosplay! The pair of Stand Users were one of the last big threats that Giorno and his friends had to take on as they attempted to assassinate Diavolo and overtake the Passione mafia, which proved to be much harder than they originally anticipated thanks in part to the weird abilities of their Stands working in unison!
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Cioccolatta was one of the Diavolo’s most dangerous henchmen, not simply because his Stand, Green Day had the ability to disperse a lethal virus within its proximity, but because this user was originally a surgeon who relishes in witnessing death and destruction. So much does Cioccolatta wish to relive his nefarious moments that he has his masked servant, Secco, carry around a camcorder to record the pain and suffering that the pair unleash upon their opponents. Secco is a bi-product of Cioccolatta’s mad works as a surgeon, following around the henchman to Diavolo and wielding the Stand of Oasis, which allowed this bizarre patchwork man the ability to shift beneath the streets and through objects as if they were water.
Instagram User Swagamura shared this cosplay that they assembled, bringing to life the sick doctor and his twisted creation that he would regularly feed sugar cubes in order to placate after he did a “good job” for both Cioccolatta and Diavolo as a part of the Passione mafia:
Cioccolatta and Secco are eventually defeated by both Giorno and Bucciarati, leading the way to the team of the Golden Wind to taking on Diavolo directly!
What do you think of this disturbingly accurate cosplay? Who was the creepiest character of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and JoJo!