
Former Jujutsu Kaisen Translator Handed 10 Year Sentence in Child Pornography Case


A court update from Virginia has released sentencing for Stefan Koza, the former English translator of Jujutsu Kaisen. Back in 2020, reports confirmed the translator was arrested on suspicion and distribution of child pornography. Koza was found guilty last July, and now the Fairfax County Circuit Court has sentenced the 36-year-old.

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According to new reports, Koza was sentenced to 10 years in jail for each of the eight counts of possession he was deemed guilty of. The sentence is to be served concurrently which means Koza will serve 10 years rather than 80. However, the sentence includes seven suspended years. This means Koza will serve time in jail for three years, but any time he has already spent in jail will count towards that total.

As for his suspension, Koza will be on supervised probation that includes mental health counseling. The former translator will also need to complete sex offender treatment and register himself as a sex offender in the state of Virginia. Beyond that, Koza will also be barred from using devices with Internet access during his probation period as well as any devices that have a camera or recording capabilities.

This arrest in the United States is not the first Koza has faced. Back in 2014, reports confirmed the man was arrested in Japan. Authorities in Miyagi took Koza into custody for allegedly trespassing and recording images inside an elementary school’s girls’ dressing room. At the time, Koza was reportedly working at the school in question as an assistant language assistant. Reports suggest Koza was put on probation for three years by Japanese authorities and ordered back to the United States from Japan.ย 

For those unfamiliar with this case, Koza worked as a contracted English translator for several Shonen Jump titles through Viz Media. His most popular work was found in Jujutsu Kaisen though he also did translations for Tokyo Shinobi Squad, Ghost Reaper Girl, and more. These days, John Werry is overseeing the English translation of Jujutsu Kaisen.ย 

If you are not caught up on the supernatural manga, you should know the Jujutsu Kaisen anime is on deck for a comeback this fall. Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 will debut in just a few months’ time. You can binge all of season one on Crunchyroll as well as Hulu while Viz Media houses all of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga through its app.ย 

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