My Hero Academia is no stranger to sparking controversy with some of its narrative and/or character turns – but one recent twist that really got fans debating was having All Might head into his final battle with All For One sporting a high-tech suit of armor!
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Some My Hero Academia fans have been highly critical of ‘Armored All Might,’ questioning everything from why he used tech instead of the One For All power that defined him, to how he ever got such cutting-edge technology in the first place. All Might’s armor was able to change shape, connect with his armored car, Hercules, as well as mimic the quirks of his pupils in Class 1-A.
All Might having the most advanced armored suit in My Hero Academia wasn’t something anyone saw coming – now we’re learning more of the finer details behind Armored All Might’s origin!
In a new piece of artwork featuring All Might and Hercules, we get a caption that explains exactly how Toshinori Yagi developed his Armored All Might suit – and just how much it cost him:
“All Might doesn’t tend to spend much money on himself, but this time he used almost every penny he had to develop those items. It was an insane amount. He needed it shipped as soon as possible, so he skipped the testing period and went straight to action. A crazy armor and a crazy car, no one can say they’re 100% safe.’
‘The Armored All Might and Hercules
— ever (@DabisPoleDance) October 30, 2023
All Might doesn’t tend to spend much money on himself, but this time he used almost every penny he had to develop those items. It was an insane amount.
He needed it shipped as soon as possible, so he skipped the testing period and went…
This explanation does help to at least answer the fans who swore up and down that, there was no way that All Might could have developed, tested, and had complete confidence in his armor, without any prior hint of that happening in the series. All Might putting in a secret rush order and then having to test it in the heat of battle actually makes much more sense, given how the battle played out. It’s just as arguable that All Might having to rely on the powers of the next generation’s heroes instead of his own to take on All For One makes a lot of poetic sense, as well.
Who Built All Might’s Armor?

All Might’s armor was made by Melissa Shield, the daughter of Toshinori Yagi’s former best friend, Professor David Shield (whom we met in the My Hero Academia: Two Heroes movie). Neither the armor nor Hercules survived the final battle with All For One; however, in My Hero Academia Chapter 405 All Might does pass on one last segment of his armor to one of his prized pupils, Katsuki Bakugo, to help the young hero finish off All For One.
My Hero Academia releases new chapters online.