My Hero Academia mostly takes place in Japan, with the students of UA Academy focusing on saving Hero Society in that specific part of the world. With the Final Arc focusing on the last battle between the heroes and villains, a new perspective has been shared in the West as North America struggles with what decisions must be made should All For One manage to claim victory. Needless to say, the United States’ take on this battle isn’t good news for Class 1-A.
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Warning. If you have yet to read the latest chapter of My Hero Academia’s manga, Chapter 364, you might want to steer clear as we’ll be diving into serious spoiler territory.
One of the biggest events of note involving the United States of America in My Hero Academia was the arrival of Star and Stripe, the top hero in North America that unfortunately perished while fighting against Shigaraki before the events of the Final Arc. With Star and Stripe deceased, America seems hellbent on simply accommodating All For One, with the President stating that this is a foe that no one can defeat:
“According to reports from the QUirk Research Agencies, Tomura is already beyond anything humanity can stop. An unknowable, untouchable entity, capable of just about anything. There’s already a standoff between the world’s developing nations, as we wonder who’ll be the first to earn Tomura’s trust.”
Besides the President’s stunning plan of “attack”, the latest chapter also gives us a brief look at the streets of Washington D.C., which have seen better days in this universe. The attacks led by the Paranormal Liberation Front have been causing rowdiness around the world and it seems as though no country is safe from the influence of All For One.
The U.S. has been mostly absent from many of the arcs that make up My Hero Academia, though there could definitely be some big stories to tell from the western side of this Shonen universe, especially with Crawler, the star of My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, traveling to the states to become a major hero in the west.
Do you think America will give Deku and his friends any backup during this Final Arc? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of UA Academy.