In the world of anime, there are countless characters who moonlight as superheroes. Whether they’re saving the world or simply saving a life, guys like Goku and Saitama reign supreme amongst fans because of their unlimited power. Over the years, debates and fan-wars have been waged over who would win between the two, but one man is trying to show that the two heroes can co-habituate in peace. Yusuke Murata, the artist of Shonen Jump’s One-Punch Man manga, is proving there are no barriers between the Saiyan and the superhero.
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Over on Twitter, Murata has gone on a social media spree where he had shared a slew of sketches and storyboards. While some of the artwork relates back to One-Punch Man, a good bit of the content has to do with other franchises like Back to the Future and even Alice in Wonderland. While some fans may be in awe over his Street Fighter artwork, it is Murata’s Dragon Ball sketch that has fans stunned.
Looking at the image, Murata has taken two very popular Dragon Ball characters and made them into someone wholly epic. Viewers can see Goku powering up into his Super Saiyan form despite his ripped uniform and wounds. In the background, Freiza’s final form can be seen looking rather irate at Goku as he also powers up. In the corner, Murata even included a blocky logo for Dragon Ball, and thousands of fans have flooded the Twitter post with compliments.
Aside from the Dragon Ball artwork, Murata has also gained attention for his Marvel sketches. The artist shared several photos he drew of Spider-Man battling about the Chrysler Building. The mangaka even added a photo he drew of the ensemble cast of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.
Hopefully, 2017 will give Murata some more time to work on fun aside projects such as these. However, it looks like the year will be a busy one for the artist. The One-Punch Man manga is still in publication, and its beloved anime will be making a long-awaited comeback later in the year. Season 2 was confirmed back in September 2016, and anime enthusiasts were hyped to hear that Saitama would be returning to the small screen to face-off against terrifying new villains.
โ ๆ็ฐ้ไป (@NEBU_KURO) November 12, 2016
MORE: One-Punch Man Illustrator Shares Spider-Man, Marvel Artwork
Let’s not forget that Dragon Ball Super is also doing well over in Japan. Perhaps, if fans are lucky, then they may get to see Saitama and Goku team-up in the future. If Luffy from One Piece got the chance to battle the Saiyan, then the One-Punch Man hero deserves to too!