One-Punch Man Kicks Off Saitama vs. Genos Rematch

One-Punch Man has been working its way through the first steps of a major new arc as a new hero association is being formed on the sidelines, and the newest chapter of the series has taken things to an interesting new level with the tease of a full rematch between Saitama and Genos! Following the massive changes to the status quo during the events of the fight against the Monster Association, the Hero Association has been trying to build its roster back up. But as we have seen through the chapters so far, there's been a bit of a trouble in this regard. 

One-Punch Man previously teased that this new group of heroes had been approaching higher members of the Hero Association to join the group, and one of them happened to be Genos. The young hero has been in the midst of a crisis as he still feels like he's not getting stronger despite his learning from Saitama through the series' events so far, and this new group has had him thinking about possibly joining. This leads to his wanting a rematch from Saitama, but ends quickly due to Genos' sense of self-dissatisfaction. 

(Photo: Shueisha)

Who Wins Saitama vs. Genos Rematch?

One-Punch Man Chapter 184 picks up shortly after it was revealed that Genos' new upgrades have made him stronger than ever before, and thus Genos wanted to challenge Saitama to a new sparring match to test that power. It's then revealed that Genos' new upgrades have made him physically brighter than before, and Saitama reacts by closing his eyes. Genos sees this, and refuses to connect his punch despite being the one to want the rematch. Saitama, not knowing how to respond, only makes Genos more self-conscious about his apparent lack of strength. 

This crisis of faith makes Genos then reveal this new group is called "Neo Heroes," who have been building strength in the shadows with a roster of heroes that have not made themselves known just yet. They've been approaching high ranking heroes in the Hero Association, but Genos is still concerned that he has not grown strong enough yet to take on the cyborg that set him out on his revenge path years ago, 

This Saitama and Genos rematch ultimately didn't happen, but teases that Genos' feelings of weakness will be leading to something much deeper later on. But how are you feeling about Genos' current crisis thus far? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!
