Primal Season 3 to Release in 2025, Says Creator

Genndy Tartakovsky teases Primal Season 3 will be releasing next year

Primal is now in the works on Season 3, and is currently on track for a release on Adult Swim next year according to a new update from series creator Genndy Tartakovsky. Primal has quickly become one of Adult Swim's most unique projects as fans watched as Spear and Fang struggled across and ancient an unknown world through the first two seasons of the series. But thankfully, it was far from the end as Genndy Tartakovsky and the rest of the series' creative team already started work on a third season of the series. And it looks like that work will be wrapping up soon. 

Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal Season 3 was first announced to be in the works last Summer, and there have been a few updates given since then. But in a recent interview with Collider, Tartakovsky has given the biggest update yet. Not only confirming that a 2025 release for the new season is likely in the cards, but they are halfway done with the animation for the series already. Tartakovsky was even in the midst of finishing up the script for the tenth episode at the time of the interview as well. 


Spear and Fang in Primal Season 2

- Adult Swim)

Primal Season 3 Gets Major Update

"It's coming. I'm finishing up the tenth episode right now, and so we got 10 more half-hours. We're in production, and it's gonna blow everybody's socks off, I think," Tartakovsky stated when asked about the status of Primal Season 3. And when asked about the actual stage of production they're currently on, the creator revealed, "We're halfway done with the animation already." In fact, he's already finished the script for the tenth episode for its planned 10 episode season, "I'm just finishing up the last episode, and already half of it is already done because it's all overlapped. Half of it is already animated. We're doing post on the first two episodes already, so we're over the hard part. We're in the heat of production."

But while Tartakovsky believes that Primal Season 3 will be releasing some time in 2025, the creator wouldn't go into any detail about what form this new season will take, "It's something special. That's all." Given that the final episode of the second season offered a definitive end to Spear and Fang's story, there's been a question over how the series could continue from that point on. Tartakovsky even previously teased a "spectacular" idea he had in mind for how to continue to series in an interview with ComicBook last year

What's Coming in Primal Season 3?

"I have something in mind that is so spectacular I cannot wait to do it, and we're trying to figure out how to do it," Tartakovsky teased. "It's a brand new world, but I'm so into it. I think everybody's going to love it. It's a very natural progression without giving anything away, but I've got more things for the Primal world and I cannot wait to do more." This could allude to a potential anthology style series that fans had been suspecting given that the first two seasons occasionally offer different stories outside of Spear and Fang, so that could be what happens here. 

But with Primal releasing some time in 2025, it's not going to be too long before we get to actually see the next phase of this franchise. With everything in the first two seasons offering a brutal and cool new world, it's very likely the third season will follow and continue to expand Primal in wild new directions from here on out. 

HT – Collider