The world of anime is one that is heavily populated with a number of different series that focus on protagonists who are stranded in a magical world that is reminiscent to that of massively multiplayer online role-playing games, and while Re:Zero might somewhat fall into this category, it has managed to bring in fans with unique storytelling with the second half of its second season dropping a new promo to get audiences hyped. The adventures of Subaru are set to return in a few days, with the new promo promising more perilous adventures and introspective moments within the world of witches.
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One of the biggest parts of Re:Zero has been the emotional breakdown of the protagonist Subaru, who has struggled with his inner turmoil nearly as much as the external forces that are threatening himself and his friends. Luckily for Subaru, he has access to magical abilities, but unfortunately, still doesn’t have mastery over the sorcery that has helped him out on more than a few occasions. With this year seeing the arrival of the second half of the second season, along with a new video game that will once again revisit the earlier events of Subaru’s wild journey, Re:Zero definitely seems as if it is picking up steam for the future.
Twitter User Ranobe Sugoi shared this new promo for the second half of “Starting Life In Another World’s” that further explores this magical world which Subaru is attempting to survive, struggling with the new life that he is attempting to find within it:
TV anime “Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World: Season 2” 2nd cour has released a new CM. #rezero #リゼロ
Broadcast begins January 6, 2021.
— Ranobe Sugoi (+) (@RanobeSugoi) December 28, 2020
2021 is a big year for anime, as series such as Re:Zero has to compete with the likes of Attack On Titan while also battling for the attention of anime fans with January seeing the return of the likes of Beastars and The Promised Neverland to name a few.
Are you hyped for the return of Re:Zero Starting Life In Another World’s second season? What is your most anticipated series of the year now that 2021 has officially begun? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and this magical world of witches?