In the world of sports anime, there seems to be one franchise on everyone’s mind. Last year, fans were floored when MAPPA Studio debuted a brand-new series called Yuri On Ice!! The ice-skating anime took audiences by storm, and the show absolutely dominated streaming sites all over the world. Since it debuted, Yuri On Ice has left professional figure skaters enthralled, and it looks like those athletes are now bringing the anime to their local rinks.
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UP NEXT: Yuri On Ice Season One Finale Teases Sequel Possibility
If you have ever wanted to see Yuri On Ice‘s fluid routines performed by real people, you only have to go to Youtube to find some samples. Dozens of athletes have visited their go-to ice rinks to recreate stellar routines like ‘Eros,’ ‘Agape,’ and even ‘Yuri On Ice.’
Over on Youtube, Joel Minas has gained quite the following for his Yuri On Ice performances. While the anime was on air, the skater uploaded a video of him performing Yuuri Katsuki’s ‘Eros’ performance, and fans were blown away by his carefully spun quads.
Other skaters have also been quick to bring Yuri On Ice to life. China’s Patton Chen has also shared several videos of him doing some rather difficult ice skating routines which were choreographed for the anime.
Since these performances do come from an anime, some fans may wonder how accurate the routines in Yuri on Ice are to real-life routines. The show’s creators were determined to create an authentic show, so they brought in Kenji Miyamoto to do the choreography sequences for Yuri on Ice. The skater has worked with Olympic medalists like Yuzuru Hanyu, and he is the reason why the anime has such awe-inspiring floor routines.
MORE: Why Yuri On Ice Is Taking Anime By Storm
If you are not familiar with Yuri On Ice at all, then you have some time to do so. The first season ended last year, and fans are already counting down the days until a second season is officially announced. The show follows a young man named Yuuri Katsuki who dreams of being a competitive figure skater, but his anxiety keeps those dreams closeted. After a particularly poor performance, Yuuri returns home disheartened, but everything changes when his ice skating idol Victor Nikiforov sees a viral video of Yuuri performing one of his routines. And, without a word, the Russian all-star flies to Japan and tells Yuuri he will become his new coach.
[HT] Kotaku