Studio Ghibli's Hayao Miyazaki Has a Secret Rivalry Going On

Despite his reputation, Hayao Miyazaki finds rivals in every animator in the industry.

Hayao Miyazaki doesn't need any kind of introduction these days. The co-founder of Studio Ghibli has made quite the legacy during his years in the anime industry. Over the years, Miyazaki has crafted some of the world's best movies, and his most recent film welcomed the director back from retirement. And in a recent interview, the man's son admitted Miyazaki still sees animators new and old as rivals in the business.

Speaking at the Cannes Film Festival, Goro Miyazaki talked with press before accepting one of the event's awards on behalf of Studio Ghibli. It was there the director spoke about Hayao Miyazaki's current mindset, and when asked about the industry as a whole, Goro said his father works like he's got to win a rivalry.

"Even at his age, he still thinks of all the other animators around him as rivals. It doesn't matter if they're younger than him, if they're people who supported him while working as his staff, if they're people who work at Ghibli or at other studios," Goro Miyazaki shared.

"If they're animators, they're rivals, all of them. Since they're his rivals, he won't talk to them about his ideas until he's got the details worked out just right and he can say 'Yes, this is it!'"

Clearly, the famed Studio Ghibli legend has an eye out for the competition. A great number of animators today got into the business because of Miyazaki, but the director is not letting his legacy cloud his judgement. When it comes to competition, Hayao Miyazaki has a winning streak, and he isn't about to give up his spot at the top for anyone. 

What do you think about this latest Studio Ghibli confession? Let us know what you think over on Twitter and Instagram. You can also hit me up @MeganPetersCB to share your take!

HT – Sora News 24