Trigun Stampede Producer Scolds Critics Over 'Demotivating' Notes

Trigun Stampede was the first time in some time that Vash The Stampede was able to return to the small screen. Re-imagining the gunslinger with a brand new story focusing on his adventures on the Planet Gunsmoke and his confrontations with his nefarious brother Knives, the anime adaptation is prepping the final batch of episodes. Trigun Stampede's "Final Phase" has yet to confirm when it will arrive, but the producer for the series, Yoshihiro Watanabe had some harsh words to share when it came to critics.

Yoshihiro Watanabe is currently a producer for Studio Orange, having worked on both Trigun Stampede and Beastars for the production house. Watanabe's anime resume is quite expansive outside of Orange, having worked on the likes of Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash, Kill la Kill, Code Geass, and Dragon Ball to name a few. Yoshihiro didn't pull any punches when it came to his criticism of critics, stating that the notes he would receive from audiences had an effect to "demotivate" the animators working behind the scenes. 

(Photo: Studio Orange)

Trigun: Watanabe V Critics

Here are Watanabe's thoughts on the criticism that he, and his team, have received in the past, "Every show we work on is made by the same in-house team. Insulting one show to tell us to speed up another release just demotivates us overall. Things take time and care."

Yoshihiro continues by breaking down the process for the animators and the creation of anime, "How does this work? We have a core development team and main production team. The core team is the director, writer designer, etc who are very unique to each project. These teams focus on developing the show at pre-production and lead the main production team. The main production team is mainly our in-house modelers and animators plus partner studios. Even in different projects/shows these staff are mostly the same people involved. It's very roughly summarized so details are different from reality with each unique project but basically while the main production team is working on one show, the other shows' core team develops the other shows. Switch around once each cycle ends."

What do you think of Watanabe's recent thoughts? Do you think Trigun Stampede will return this year? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Vash The Stampede.