Ending weeks of fevered speculation, Earth 2 Green Lantern Alan Scott has been revealed as a homosexual, in an issue that will hit next Wednesday, according to published reports.A multi-pronged media blitz by the publisher has revealed the truth about the character, who will make his debut as Green Lantern in next week’s Earth 2 #2 by James Robinson and Nicola Scott. Robinson has some history with controversy like this, having written one of the first gay male superhero kisses in his fan-favorite run on Starman.”He’s going to be the leader of the team, this dynamic hero, he’ll do anything to save people, the bravest man on the planet. Why not just make him gay as well?” said Earth 2 writer James Robinson in an interview with USA Today.The writer also confirms, in that same interview, that the removal of Obsidian–Alan Scott’s gay son in the old DC Universe–from continuity contributed directly to the choice to reintroduce Alan as a homosexual. “By making [Scott] younger, that son was not going to exist anymore,” Robinson told The Washington Post. To Entertainment Weekly, he was even clearer: “The original version of Alan Scott was an older man, and he had a superpowered son, Obsidian, who was gay,” the writer explained. “The fact that Scott was young now [thanks to a universe-wide reboot] meant Obsidian no longer existed. I thought it was a shame that DC was losing such a positive gay character. I said, ‘Why not make Alan Scott gay?’ To Dan DiDio’s credit, when I suggested it to him, there wasn’t a moment’s hesitation.”
Green Lantern of Earth 2 Revealed as Gay
Ending weeks of fevered speculation, Earth 2 Green Lantern Alan Scott has been revealed as a […]