
Superior Spider-Man Swings With Daredevil in Preview of Daredevil #22

For those speculating that the Superior Spider-Man is in fact Dr. Octopus in Peter’s body, here’s […]

For those speculating that the Superior Spider-Man is in fact Dr. Octopus in Peter’s body, here’s something that would be ironic: Spidey will be teaming up with Daredevil in the Man Without Fear’s upoming twenty-second issue from Mark Waid and Chris Samnee.Their opponent? A Stilt-Man recently refitted by Doc Ock.Check out the solicitation and preview pages below.

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Marvel is pleased to present your first look at Daredevil #22, from the critically acclaimed creative team of writer Mark Waid and artist Chris Samnee! Daredevil teams up with the AL- NEW Superior Spider-Man! But he’s not alone as Stilt-Man returns better than ever thanks to some last minute help from Doctor Octopus. It’s a superior team up like you’ve never thought possible this January inDaredevil #22!DAREDEVIL #22 (NOV120732)Written by MARK WAIDArt by CHRIS SAMNEECover by PAULO RIVERAFOC- 12/17/12 On-Sale – 01/16/13