Hugh Jackman has previously confirmed that there will be a cameo in The Wolverine by one of past X-Men. While it has yet to be revealed exactly who the cameo will be, most of the rumors have revolved around Famke Janssen making a cameo as Jean Grey.Total Film magazine put the question of a possible Jean Grey cameo to Famke Janssen herself. Famke Janssen responded, “I heard! I’m very excited about those rumours [laughs]. After a three-year hiatus and not being able to work because I was developing my own movie, any roles are welcome. So I hope X-Men 10 comes around, with Jean Grey in a wheelchair.”The Wolverine is set to be released in movie theaters in the United States on July 26, 2013.
The Wolverine: Famke Janssen Excited About Jean Grey Cameo Rumors
Hugh Jackman has previously confirmed that there will be a cameo in The Wolverine by one of past […]