
5 Mortal Enemies That Should Stop Fighting For The Holidays

During the holidays, no matter which you may celebrate, one universal message is clear – Peace On […]

During the holidays, no matter which you may celebrate, one universal message is clear – Peace On Earth.

Now, Imagine if all of our favorite heroes and villains stopped fighting on screen, in comic books, and every else for just a day and embraced each other with open arms.

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Imagine if there was no dark side or light side and the Force was just a happy medium instead. K-2SO would join hands with an enemy Stormtrooper in a lovely Christmas village on Hoth for just one day.

Stormtroopers are pretty bad at aiming anyway, so it’s likely that this could happen. He probably tripped over an icy stick and fell into Kaytoo’s lap by accident.

Unless we’re talking about FN-2187, otherwise known as Finn. He somehow learned to have a big heart from the start.

With the idea of world peace in mind, let’s discuss 5 mortal enemies that should stop fighting for the holidays.


Batman and Joker

Out of every bad guy (and girl) from the Rogues gallery, The Joker is easily the most insane with the least amount of care for anyone other than himself.

Yes, this includes his girlfriend, or shall we say puppet Harley Quinn.

There isn’t anyone more selfish in Gotham, who repeatedly uses everyone and everything to get exactly what he wants.

He is in constant competition with Batman and always trying to be in the spotlight.

The thing is that Batman doesn’t want the spotlight, he is just trying to clean up Gotham city and turn it back into the caring town that it never was.

If the Joker could stop being so cynical, selfish, and mean for just one day – maybe the two could sit down for coffee together and discuss ways to collaborate to make Gotham great again.

Oh, and Batman has to suck up his huge ego, too!




Vader And The Entire Galaxy

Well, we sort of understand why Darth Vader hates everyone other than himself.

It’s just too bad that he isn’t alive today to meet his biggest fan of all time – Kylo Ren.ย 

Seriously, Kylo is like a creepy stalker that would keep Darth Vaders burnt up skull in a glass case or something…wait.

Why did Vader want to conquer the entire galaxy anyway?

Too much power is dangerous.

With that many planets, including all the new ones we learned about in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Vader could have disappeared to his own moon and lived how ever he wanted without starting a galactic war and causing so much tragedy and consequent death.

But thanks to the dark side, Vader could not see past the evil of his ways.

Imagine if Vader was brought to the light side instead of the dark and had become the Jedi that little Anakin Skywalker dreamed about in that movie with Jar-Jar.

If Yoda took one day to train young Anakin in the ways of the Force…(maybe that day was Christmas).

We would have never had a Star War and many, many galactic citizens would not have been choked to death.

(Photo: Lucasfilm Animation)


Captain America and Red Skull

Well these two go way back in history.

Captain America was basically created to stop Red Skull and bring true patriotism to soldiers oversees during wartime.

If Red Skull wasn’t acting like such a goon in the first place, Captain America could have just enjoyed his time going to the soda fountain or whatever else goody two-shoes did in the 1940s.

Red Skull was a Nazi agent who had to be stopped.

Instead of decades of fighting, strife, and ultimate tragedy, these two could have sat down together long ago and devised the ultimate plan to defeat the Nazi party.

Two words. Double Agent.

If Red Skull decided to become a double agent, himself and Cap could have brought down the entire Nazi regime together.ย 

This could have easily been done if they decided to stop fighting for the holidays!

Instead, they went on fighting each other, patriot against Nazi for years and years to come in comic book pages, on TV shows, and even animated films.

red skull
(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)


Harley and Joker

You might be asking, “Aren’t Harley and Joker the perfect romantic couple?”

The answer is no, no they are not.

In fact Joker both mentally and physically abuses Harley to this day, even in the comics after their torrid breakup.

Since the first moment they met on Batman: The Animated Series to whatever the heck is going on with the two characters in current DC FILMS, Joker and Harley are nothing but tragic.

For some reason, David Ayer’s Suicide Squad didn’t quite get that memo and depicted these two as the perfect lovesick couple.

This made a lot of hardcore DC comic book fans mad, because Joker’s style was much more…selfish and mean.

If these two actually stopped fighting for a day and truly cared about each other rather than using each other for tricks and games, they would make one badass villain team.ย 

Or maybe that good do some good for Gotham with all that clownin around!

They would both make a ton of money ringing a bell and telling jokes for the homeless during the holidays!

(Photo: Warner Bros.)




Spider-Man and Venom

All Venom, the wildly popular symbiote, wanted was to be loved and accepted for who he/she/it is.

In fact, it is Spider-Man’s fault in the first place that Venom made it to Earth. Spidey brought him here thinking he was a cool new suit!ย 

But when Venom tried to bond, albiet a little tooย aggressively, Spider-Man did everything he could to turn poor Venom away.

Since then, Venom has lived it’s life trying to find other hosts and seeming to fail each time.

If Spider-Man and Venom stopped fighting around the holidays, and Spidey just accepted Venom for who he was intsead of trying to burn him in every dumpster fire, the two could have lived peacefully together.

Of course, Venom would have had to ask when and if was ok to bond instead of following Spider-Man around like a lost puppy – but we think the two could have worked it out with some good old compromise and ground rules.

Now that we think about it, what would the world be without heroes and villains?

We certainly wouldn’t have our beloved comic books that have taught us someway, somehow that fighting never pays off, but hope and peace always wins in the end.

Spider-Man Venom
(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)
