The acclaimed and talented creator Yusei Matsui is making his way stateside and will appear at New York Comic-Con.
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The author and artist of the much-loved Assassination Classroom manga and anime will be at the show for panels and autographs in a partnership with VIZ Media and ReedPOP. Assassination Classroom has been well regarded in Japan, and has quickly amassed a popular following here in North America, and for many this will be a great chance to meet the creator in person.
Lance Fensterman, Global Senior Vice President of ReedPOP, said: “Yusei Matsui is a major influence in the manga industry and his work continues to be a monster success around the world. We are thrilled to welcome him to New York Comic Con for what are sure to be amazing experiences for our Fans.”
Assassination Classroom centers around a classroom of students who have the impossible task of trying to kill their teacher. The action is warranted, as he’s responsible for destroying the moon and attempting to destroy the earth, but two things stand in their way. One, he is an alien octopus with super strength, so there’s that, and Two, he’s pretty good at being a teacher, and the students don’t want to lose him. A catch 22 if there ever was one.
When Team Jump caught up with the author at Jump Festa this year, they asked him about the following his manga has received in the states. He said: “The series brings up a lot of experiences that a typical Japanese junior high or high school student would be familiar with, so if people outside of Japan can also enjoy the series, it really makes me feel that maybe we’re all the same humans no matter where we live. And that makes me really happy. I hope to meet you and share a drink some day! I really would like to ask what you all like about the series. Maybe people from different countries like different aspects of it. I really hope I get the chance to hear your opinions.”
New York Comic-Con will be taking place on October 6th through the 9th.