The Nashville Comic and Horror Festival is Nashville’s largest annual comic book and horror convention. At this year’s convention, fans can look forward to meeting many celebrities from the worlds of horror movies, comic books, animation, and wrestling. The Nashville Comic and Horror Festival is scheduled to take place at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds on Saturday, October 17 and Sunday, October 18, 2009.The guest of honor at this year’s convention is none other than legendary X-Men comic book writer Chris Claremont, who will be appearing from 10AM to Noon on Saturday and Sunday. Movie fans are also in for a treat this year, as Brian O’ Halloran, who played Dante in both Clerks and Clerks II will be appearing at the convention.There will be numerous other guests from the world of comic books including Gary Friedrich, who was the co-creator of Ghost Rider, and Jay Leisten, whose artwork has appeared in several Marvel titles. Some of the horror guests include Dick Warlock from Halloween II and Glenn Shadix from the Nightmare Before Christmas. There will also be Dawn of the Dead zombie reunion with Mike Christopher, Leonard Lies, and Frank Serrao.The doors open at 10 AM each day, but there are VIP packages available that include early admission, The festival offers over 40,000 square feet of comics, toys, games, star wars, anime, movie items, and more. Admission to the Comic And Horror Festival is $10 per day, but attendees can save $2 off admission by bringing three canned goods for the Nashville Rescue Mission. More information and directions can be found on the official Nashville Comic and Horror Festival website.
Comic Book And Horror Festival In Nashville, Tennessee
The Nashville Comic and Horror Festival is Nashville’s largest annual comic book and horror […]