
Game Of Thrones Season 4 Premiere: A Who’s Who

Let’s be honest guys: there are a lot of characters in Game of Thrones. While everybody probably […]
Game of Thrones - Daario Naharis

Let’s be honest guys: there are a lot of characters in Game of Thrones. While everybody probably remembers who Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, and Daenerys Targaryen are, one could be forgiven for forgetting some of the minor characters, especially since we haven’t seen them in months. We’re here to help you out, with a quick refresher on the minor characters who played a significant role in the Game of Thrones Season 4 premiere.Daario NaharisIn normal circumstance, Daario would be a major enough character that I wouldn’t include him in an article like this. However, Daario was recast during the break between seasons 3 and 4. Daario was played by Ed Skrein in season 3 and is now being portrayed by Michiel Huisman.If you’re confused, Daario Naharis was a lieutenant for the mercenary group known as the Second Sons. The Second Sons have been hired to defend Yunkai when Daenerys shows up with her army. Daario joins his captains when they go to treat with Daenerys and is taken by her beauty. When the captains select Daario to assassinate Dany he rather violently refuses, cutting off their heads and delivering them to Daenerys. On the spot, he swears his allegiance, and the swords of the Seconds Sons, to Daenerys Targaryen. The Second Sons are now part of Dany’s army, and she and Daario continue their flirtatious relationship.

Game of Thrones - Qyburn

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