
Here’s What We Know About Pokemon GO So Far

Pokemon GO is live in the US, Australia, and New Zealand, meaning that fans are finally getting […]

Pokemon GO is live in the US, Australia, and New Zealand, meaning that fans are finally getting their hands on the hotly anticipated “augmented reality” game.Pokemon GO uses a smart phone’s GPS and camera to create a unique experience that simulates fans catching and battling Pokemon in the real world. Although the game came out last year, Niantic Labs, the developer of Pokemon GO, has been relatively quiet about the game, with only one official demonstration at E3.So, to help fans get ready for Pokemon GO, here’s everything we know about Pokemon GO so far:

Basic Requirements


Players will technically need two things to playย Pokemonย GO: a valid Google account or Pokemonย Trainer’s Club account and a compatibleย phone. ย Android users will need at least a 4.4 forย Pokemonย GOย to work, while iPhoneย users will need an iPhoneย 5 or higher, as well as iOSย 8. ย It’s also noted that players will need a strong internet connection to play Pokemonย GO, either via WiFiย or data signal.ย 

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Niantic’sย website notes that jailbrokenย iPhones will not supportย Pokemonย GO, although we’re still looking into see if any players have found a work around for that.ย 

Catching Pokemon in the Real World


At its most basic level, Pokemon GOย is really about exploration. While you usually play normal Pokemonย games sitting on your couch or laying in bed,ย Pokemonย GOย requires players to explore the world around them. Pokemonย GO‘s default screen is a stylized map (based off of Google Maps) showing a player’s surroundings. ย While walking through a town or neighborhood, areas of rustling grass will randomly appear on the screen. ย As players approach the grass, a Pokemonย will randomly spawn nearby. ย Players can then tap on the Pokemonย to turn on their camera to “see” the Pokemonย on screen and catch them with a PokeBall.ย 

Like in normal Pokemonย games, different Pokemonย appear in different times and locations. We saw Pokemonย like Gastly and Drowzee come out at night, while water Pokemonย like Seel and Magikarpย appear near a local river. ย Traveling to different locations throughout town will supposedly reveal new Pokemonย to find.

Unlike traditional Pokemonย games, there’s no battling involved to weaken a wild Pokemon. ย Instead players “throw” a PokeBallย by moving their finger across their phone’s screen. There’s an actual technique to throwing a PokeBall; Pokemonย can dodge a poorly thrown PokeBallย and eventually run away with enough misses. ย Once a Pokemonย is caught, they’re registered to the player’s Pokedexย and added to the player’s collection. ย Players can keep up to 250 Pokemonย at a time and can also give their Pokemonย nicknames, just like in the normal Pokemonย games.ย 

Training Pokemon


A Pokemon’s strength is determined by its “CP”, which can be increased via two methods: training at a local gym and by using “Stardust” on their Pokemon. Trainers gather Stardust with every Pokemonย they catch and can use it to boost their Pokemon’sย power.

Players can also head to local gyms, which correspond toย various landmarks and places of interest. When players reach Level 5, they have the option of choosing between one of three teams that battle for control of gyms. If a player’s team controls a gym, they can use it to train and strengthen their Pokemon. Otherwise, a player has to battle Pokemonย left behind to guard the gym to win control of the gym. ย 

Leveling Up


One of the biggest differences betweenย Pokemonย GOย andย a traditional Pokemonย is that playersย level up instead of Pokemon. ย Catching Pokemon, battling at gyms and stopping at PokeStops all earn XP, which will then help players level up. ย As players reach higher levels, they’ll gain access to stronger PokeBalls and items, as well as encounter harder to catch Pokemon. ย  Players will need to reach Level 5 before they can train and battle at gyms, which will take a little over an hour of continuous play to reach.ย 

Evolving Pokemon


Evolving Pokemon is a bit different from classic Pokemonย games, as Pokemonย don’t have traditional levels. ย When players catch Pokemonย of the same type, they receive specialized “candy” that corresponds to that Pokemon. ย After collecting so many pieces of candy, they can then evolve those Pokemon. ย Players can use the candy for the entire evolutionary line, so you can use leftover “Bulbasaurย Candy” to evolve your Ivysaur into a Venusaur. A lot of people complained about the evolution model when Niantic announced the change, but their justification was that their evolution system required players to find and catch Pokemon, which keeps with the spirit of Pokemonย GO. ย It’s basically a different way of grinding, and we’ll see if it holds well with fans.ย 



The Internet collectively let out a groan when they found out that microtransactions would be a part ofย Pokemonย GO. ย Luckily, it seems as if those microtransactionsย are entirely optional. ย Players can use real world currency to buy coins, which can then be used to purchase items like PokeBalls and incense (which attracts additional items). However, players also get PokeBallsย by leveling up and traveling to PokeStops, so the microtransactionsย are aimed at enhancing gameplayย rather than as a necessity toย continue play. Fans can breathe a sigh of relief that Pokemonย GOย isn’t likeย Clash of Clans or evenย Pokemonย Shuffleย which limits the amount of time you can play without purchasing items.ย 

Common Complaints


So far, the biggest complaint aboutย Pokemon GOย is how often the game’s servers crash. During our first hour of gameplay, the game crashed three times as thousands of players logged on for the very first time. A restart quickly fixed the issue, although we did lose out on catching an Eevee during a crash. ย 

Some players have also complained about the game being a battery drain. ย It’s not a surprise, asย Pokemonย GOย does require the phone screen and GPSย to be on while playing, but there are battery saving options included in the game’s settings. ย Nianticย is also looking into ways to decreaseย Pokemonย GO‘s battery drain.ย 
