
John Carter Super Bowl Sweepstakes Code

Super Bowl XLVI has proven to be very good for the John Carter movie. Not only did the movie […]
John Carter Super Bowl Sweepstakes

Super Bowl XLVI has proven to be very good for the John Carter movie. Not only did the movie screen for the players in the big game, but Disney also launched the John Carter Journey to the Super Bowl Sweepstakes, which gives fans a chance to win tickets to next year’s Super Bowl. If you just watched the John Carter Super Bowl commercial, but you weren’t fast enough to copy down the featured code that allows you to enter the sweepstakes, then you’ve come to the right place. The John Carter Super Bowl commercial code is MARCH9 .Now, all you have to do is head on over to and enter the code in order to be entered into the John Carter Journey to the Super Bowl sweepstakes. According to the official rules, the grand prize winner will be selected from all the eligible entries by random drawing. The grand prize is a five day and four night trip for the winner and one guest to attend Super Bowl XLVII, scheduled to take place on February 3, 2013 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Be sure to check out the rules list on the official site for all the legal jargon.The John Carter movie is based on a classic science fiction novel called “A Princess Of Mars” by Edgar Rice Burroughs. John Carter is directed by Andrew Stanton and stars Taylor Kitsch as John Carter, Willem Dafoe as Tars Tarkas, and Lynn Collins as Princess Dejah Thoris. The movie follows the story of former military captain John Carter who is transported to Mars, where he becomes caught up in an epic conflict. John Carter is scheduled to be released in movie theaters on March 9, 2012.

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