
Man of Steel: Two More Easter Eggs for LexCorp, GBS Spotted

Even though Man of Steel has been in theaters for nearly a month now, fans are still spotting […]

Even though Man of Steel has been in theaters for nearly a month now, fans are still spotting Easter eggs hidden in the background of the film. This morning via Twitter, a fan alerted us to MovieGeek‘s Facebook page, which features a look at a building under construction featuring a LexCorp banner.Now, this building is probably nothing special and it could be that the construction itself is being done by LexCorp for somebody else–but the fact that it’s distinctively got a 90-degree angle on it brings us to mind of the L-shaped LexCorp building that figured into the Metropolis skyline of the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths era.This, along with a tanker truck and of course the LexCorp building seen in trailers, is at least the third LexCorp Easter egg spotted in the movie. A reader reminds us of a fourth–another truck, the one that brings Clark back to Kansas after the oil rig disaster.It also comes at the same time that Cosmic Booknews spotted a fleeting image of a WGBS logo on a building in Metropolis.


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