In 1987, Cannon Films released Masters of the Universe, a live-action movie based on Mattel’s toyline which was also the basis for Filmation’s animated series (1983-1985). It starred Dolph Lundgren (Rocky IV, The Punisher) as He-Man and Frank Langella (Dave, Draft Day) as his archnemesis Skeletor.
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The film wasn’t well-received and there are countless reason why it has been shunned by a majority of fans. One particular gripe that comes up often is that much of the film takes place on Earth instead of the fantastical world of Eternia.
Now let’s revisit Masters of the Universe with this terrific fan-made trailer, created by Youtube’s Mike Furth, that has the 1987 footage dramatically cut to match the beautiful score from the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer.
Reminder: Masters of the Universe is streaming for free. Click here for details.