Matt Damon recently paid a visit to CNBC to discuss a serious issue: and their attempts to battle water scarcity around the globe. Reporters for the network couldn’t resist drawing a parallel between Damon’s involvement with the issue and the rumors that he could play Aquaman in Justice League. Damon laughed the rumors off.”Since they made Ben [Affleck] Batman, I’ve been showing up at his house every day dressed as Robin,” Damon joked, “but my little campaign I don’t think has gone so well. So far, I haven’t been contacted by anyone to be in the movie.”The CNBC reporter persisted, asking Damon if he’d be willing to play the role if it helped his cause. Damon sounded less than excited about the idea, but still willing.”I’m open to being in any good movie, as always,” he said. “It might be a bit of stretch, but, if dressing up in yellow tights somehow moved the needle for this issue, I would be willing to do that. I’ve done sillier stuff.”Justice League is targeted for theatrical released in 2017. Warner Bros. will begin building up to it in Batman vs. Superman, scheduled for release on May 6, 2016.
Matt Damon Denies Aquaman Rumors, Not Contacted For Justice League
Matt Damon recently paid a visit to CNBC to discuss a serious issue: and their attempts […]