
Eight Reasons We Love Black Canary

The announcement of Arrow’s upcoming Black Canary trilogy got more than a few of us ecstatic […]
katie cassidy

The announcement of Arrow’s upcoming Black Canary trilogy got more than a few of us ecstatic here in the offices.

So to commemorate the event, we’re taking a look at eight reasons (among countless others) why we adore Dinah Laurel Lance, the Black Canary in any variation we can get.

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Black Canary-Justice League

1) She’s a natural leader.

Whether it’s field commander of the all-female Birds of Prey or chairwoman of the Justice League, Dinah can always be counted on to lead her teammates to meet any challenge.

Lady Shiva

2) Her Kung-Fu is strong.

Lesser capes would rely solely on their meta powers. Not Dinah. Whether training under Lady Shiva, Cassandra Cain, Wildcat, or Wonder Woman, Dinah remains dedicated to sharpening her skills and pushing herself to new heights. As a result she has established herself as one of the most skilled and accomplished fighters in the DC Universe.

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3) She’s a loving and devoted mother.


4) She’s all about the sisterhood.

Black Canary
Merlyn beatdown

5) Dinah takes crap from no one.

Whether it’s former kidnapper Savant, her high maintenance husband, Ollie, or his greatest rival, Merlyn, they’ve all learned that Dinah’s bad side is not a place they want to find themselves on.

Black Canary Reads The Trinity

6) No really, Dinah takes crap from absolutely no one.

It’s not often that DC’s Trinity is found on the wrong side of an issue. However that’s exactly what happened in Justice League #27.

Recently appointed Justice League chairwoman, Dinah discovered that her teammates had been secretly meeting and undermining her leadership.

Crashing their rendezvous (and bringing her own folding chair to boot,) a confident and furious Dinah read Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman the riot act in grand fashion. 

Caity Lotz

7) The fiercest of ladies tend to portray the Dinah Laurel Lance/Black Canary character.

The elite list actresses who have portrayed Dinah (or some variation of the character) includes Caity Lotz, Katie Cassidy, Morena Baccarin and River Song herself, Alex Kingston.

Canary Cry

8) She is Canary, hear her cry!!!!

You can take clip this canary’s wings and she will still soar. Dinah has suffered more than her share of personal tragedy. Cults, torture, substance abuse, she has weathered more than a few personal storms.

Just the same, no matter how many times she falls, she picks herself up and returns stronger than before.


In the comics, Oliver once said that his wife may just be the toughest female superhero second to Wonder Woman. He may be right about that.

Like all things Black Canary, the upcoming Arrow trilogy is going to be one wild exciting ride.