The Russo Brothers are developing a television show based on Rick Remender and Wes Craig’s Deadly Class series. Deadline is reporting that the Captain America: Civil War directors are working with Remender and Sony Pictures TV with an eye to bring Deadly Class to a cable network or streaming service.
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First published by Image Comics in 2014, Deadly Class follows a group of students at an elite school for assassins. The book is set in the late 1980s and plays with that period’s ideas of counterculture and political landscape. As with any story about assassins assassins, Deadly Class featured plenty of gory and shocking deaths, leading to most of the comic’s cast not surviving their freshman year.
Remender is best known for his work at Marvel, having written Uncanny X-Force, Venom, and Uncanny X-Men for the superhero publisher. Recently, he’s been focusing on creator owned work such as Deadly Class, Low, Black Science and Tokyo Ghost.
The Russo Brothers will fit the Deadly Class project into their busy directing schedule, which includes the upcoming two part Avengers: Infinity War movie. The Russos are also developing a television remake of the gang classic The Warriors.
(via Deadline)