DC Comics has announced Andy Diggle and Tony Daniel as the creative team who will follow the departing Grant Morrison and Rags Morales on the best-selling Superman title, Action Comics.Daniel provided the piece of promotional art at right, which features Superman with yet another new look–the one that we saw Kenneth Rocafort briefly tackle in Superman #0 last month.The costume, which looks to be a New 52 reinvention of the suit Superman wore in the “regeneration matrix” after he was killed by Doomsday, will apparently make its first appearance in the modern day continuity (or at least the Action Comics timeline, which has been set five years in the past) as the new team takes over.It seems that either Morrison and Morales will stay on for a month longer than previously stated, or DC will have a fill-in issue between the two teams, as an entry at DC’s blog seems to peg the first issue for the new team as Action Comics #18 in March. Morrison had previously said that he would leave the title after #16’s release.
Superman’s Newest Costume Appears With New Action Comics Team
DC Comics has announced Andy Diggle and Tony Daniel as the creative team who will follow the […]