
The Amazing Spider-Man: Oscorp Interns Assemble

The Amazing Spider-Man’s viral campaign has spilled yet more of its secrets this week, and the […]
The Amazing Spider-Man

‘s viral campaign has spilled yet more of its secrets this week, and the good folks over at SuperHero Hype took to the Internet to do the research needed to find some new images and videos from the highly-anticipated Spider-reboot.As with previous installments of the viral campaign, the newly-revealed information focuses mostly on the genetic experiments that Dr. Curt Connors is working with at Oscorp, although it’s inching closer and closer to Peter Parker and the spiders that are his totem.In addition to the photo at right, and the note below, there’s the fact that with some interns recruited, Oscorp is starting to document the animal testing they’re doing, including but not limited to work with an unfortunate mouse.

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The Amazing Spider-Man
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