
The Flash Producers Tease Flashpoint, Mirror Master, Killer Frost and More at WonderCon

During their panel at WonderCon yesterday, The Flash producers revealed that a number of […]
The Flash

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One thing that stuck out to most everyone is that Andrew Kreisberg hinted that fans might see Killer Frost — the villainous alter-ego of Caitlin Snow in the comics — “sooner than you think.” Later, when each member of the panel was asked to sum up the rest of the season in one word, actress Danielle Panabaker, who plays Caitlin, said “Frosty.”

Of course, they also hinted at seeing the ramifications of an alternate timeline where Barry’s mom survived. That would likely be the Flashpoint Universe, and such a timeline could easily give the writers an opportunity to give the fans a peek at Killer Frost without actually changing Caitlin’s long-term status quo on the series. That’s the same escape hatch they could use to use Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) a bit more, which is apparently in the cards since Kreisberg said he’s been pitching the actor on some stuff for the future (and the finale is filming currently, so that script is locked).

Similarly, Carlos Valdez (who plays Cisco Ramon) fielded inquiries about becoming Vibe by saying, basically, that of course he eventually wants a costume.

When asked what villains might show up in Season Two,Kreisberg answered Mirror Master, Doctor Alchemy and “one that hopefully people will lose their minds over.”