Tonight’s episode of The Flash introduced Violett Beane as the daughter of Harrison Wells…which is interesting because we knew Beane has been cast in the role of superhero Jesse Quick.
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The speedster, who has ties to the Justice Society of America, was one of a number of legacy heroes trained by the World War II-era heroes of Earth-2, including Jay Garrick. She played a significant role during Waly West’s time as The Flash.
In the comics, her father is Johnny Quick, one of the earliest speedsters and really named Jonathan Chambers.
Discovering a super complex mathematical formula of supposedly higher dimension, Chambers was able to gain super-speed. Inspired by Jay Garrick and fashioning himself a masked costume and code name, Chambers began his heroic career as Johnny Quick.
His daughter Jesse, born to fellow Justice Society member Liberty Belle, took on his heroic legacy (and his speed formula), most often working with either the JSA or other speedsters like Wally West, Bart Allen and Max Mercury. During the course of her career, she also worked with the Titans and the JLA.
So, we saw that Wells’s daughter was pretty impressed by The Flash. We know that Wells’s philosophy on the metas, and especially Zoom, has changed significantly.
And, yeah, we know that there’s a world on which “Johnny Quick” is the name of the evil speedster in a dark, twisted version of the Justice League. So he’s not such a nice guy, inherently.
Could it be that Wells has been researching speed all this time? It doesn’t seem like an unreasonable guest. But what’s his daughter’s deal…?