
Voltron: Legendary Defender Writer Teases Season 2 Details

Voltron: Legendary Defender brought back the iconic character for a new generation of fans, by way […]

Voltron: Legendary Defender brought back the iconic character for a new generation of fans, by way of Netflix. However, time hasn’t slowed the franchise down, as Voltron was a big success on Netflix (judging from fan reaction), which means an agonizing wait for another binge-watch run, whenever Voltron: Legendary Defender season 2 arrives.

While at New York Comic-Con 2016, had a chance to sit down with the Voltron showrunners, including writer Tim Hedrick. Hedrick was, of course, protective of any SPOILERS about season 2, but managed to tease us with enough to get us excited about what’s to come.

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When Voltron: Legendary Defender season 2 begins, we find the five lion paladins broken up and scattered, unable to function as a team. Hedrick discussed that starting point, and how the premise will shape the type of episodes we see in season 2, allowing for more individual character exploration. “…we’ll get deeper into each individual character, while [still] being a team,” Hedrick said of their storytelling approach. “You can’t form Voltron without all five paladins, so that’s like the strength and weakness of the show: everyone’s got to be there, you know? So you’re never going to have that many solo episodes – but, we got to do that at the beginning of this season, when everybody’s split off. So we get to see some interesting pairing and some people doing their own things. But we’re only thirteen episodes in, so we have a lot of ground to cover.

Voltron Season 2 Preview Spoilers
(Photo: Netflix)

When pressed for more details about the specific types of episodes we’ll see, Hedrick elaborated, saying that, “In this next round we’re going to start to see some “standalone Pictures.” We’re going to explore some new places; we’re going to get out and travel around the galaxy a bit more. But we also have a lot of deep mythology that we’re unpacking, that will continue to come out.”

Speaking “mythology”: Voltron: Legendary Defender has been none to shy about taking the mythology of the old animated series and turning it on its head (see: Pidge). Hedrick teases that fans can expect more of that – possibly resulting in some big surprises, noting that, “Without really saying anything, there’s more of that to come, for sure.

Voltron: Legendary Defender will premiere season 2 on Netflix on January 20, 2017.