
World War Z Trailer Full Version Release Time

On Tuesday, gave you a teaser trailer for World War Z, which had aired on […]
World War Z Poster

On Tuesday, gave you a teaser trailer for World War Z, which had aired on Entertainment Tonight. Now, it’s Thursday, and you know what that means. The first full trailer for World War Z is scheduled to be released online via Apple iTunes Movie Trailers.Unfortunately, when World War Z launched their official site, they did not initially give the exact release time. So if you’re like us and have been checking iTunes Movie Trailers every five minutes in hopes of seeing some zombie-killing action, we now have an official release time.According to Paramount, the World War Z full trailer will be released on iTunes at 7 PM ET. Entertainment Tonight has also been promoting that they will be airing the World War Z trailer during their Thursday show, so the release time is likely being coordinated to make sure it arrives on TV and online around the same time. World War Z is scheduled to be released in theaters on June 21, 2013.

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