BOOM! Studios has another hit on its hands in Abbott: 1973, and now we’ve got your exclusive first look at the anticipated second issue. Writer Saladin Ahmed, artist Sami Kivela, colorist Mattia Iacono, and letterer Jim Campbell deliver another stellar round of supernatural mystery in Abbott: 1973 #2, and as you can see starting on the next slide, the stakes are only getting higher, and unfortunately, not everyone in Abbott’s world is going to make it out alive.
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The evil Abbott is facing hits her hard in issue #2, taking control of Miss Henrietta and letting her know that she’s going to need more than Jade bracelets to stop it. Abbott’s up to the challenge, but while she might have won this battle, the evil still leaves its mark.
You can find the official description of the issue below.
“An old friend sends an ominous warning to Abbott – her enemies have returned to weaken her by any means necessary. As the personal losses mount and her efforts at the newspaper are blocked, Abbott finally catches a break – uncovering one of the most guarded secrets of the group aiming to take down the man who would be Detroit’s first Black mayor. But all victories come with a cost…and this one may just be too high for Abbott to pay!”
Abbott: 1973 #2 features a cover by Taj Tenfold (Lovecraft Country) and variant covers by Raul Allen (Dune: The Graphic Novel) and Mirka Andolfo (Mercy), and will hit comic stores on February 17th.
You can check out the new preview starting on the next slide, and let us know what you think of it in the comments. You can also always talk comics with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!
Main Cover By Taj Tenfold

Variant Cover By Raul Allen

Variant Cover By Mirka Andolfo

The Grip of Fear

Evil Spirits

Leave Her Alone

A Magical Throwdown

Losing a Friend