Comic fans around the world are staying inside due to coronavirus concerns, self quarantining whenever possible. As a result, many fans are catching up on some comics they either loved or never had a chance to check out before, and we’ve teamed up with AfterShock Comics to give you the chance to read one of the best comics around from the beginning, Animosity. Animosity is a series written by Marguerite Bennett and drawn by Rafael de Latorre and Elton Thomasi that shows a world where animals have gained human thought and speech, and as you can see in the preview of the full issue on the next slides, that process had a host of big ramifications for the world at large. Now you can check out the full first issue completely free right here, and make sure to let us know what you think!
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Once you check out the first issue you can continue reading the series via your favorite local comic store (many will do store pickup or hold books for you to pick up later) or ComiXology, and you can find out more about the series straight from the source in our full interview with Marguerite Bennett.
“Animosity is a story not of the end of the world, but of the start of a new one โ a world where all the Animals, at once and with no conceivable explanation, one day wake up,” Bennett explained. “They gain human intelligence, the power of speech, the astonishment at the world around them โ rage, horror, love, absurdity, hunger, and undeniable need for a purpose, for a reason to be alive. Everything changes. There has never been an apocalypse like this one.”
“Our story follows a Bloodhound and the little girl who used to be his owner, and who is now as good as his daughter, as he ushers her across a wild, savage, and strange new frontier of humans and animals alike, seeking to get her from the East Coast to the West, where a safe haven can be found. The story is funny, brutal, ridiculous, emotional, and, I hope, powerful,” Bennett said.
The series is still going strong, and Animosity #27 is written by Marguerite Bennett, drawn by Rafael de Latorre and Elton Thomasi, colored by Rob Schwager, and lettered by Taylor Esposito with a cover by Rafael de Latorre and Marcelo Maiolo. You can find the official description below.
“Conflict reveals character! Amid the chaos and bloodshed of the arena, Sandor realizes that the lies he has fed Jesse cannot endure much longer.”
You can hit the next slide to find a preview of what you’re in for in Animosity #1, or just hit the link above to check out the full issue. Let me know what you think in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!
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