Senior year is supposed to be your defining time at High School, but in Dark Horse’s new horror series Bedtime Games, three friends will get way more than they bargained for, and the world might have to pay for their mistake.
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Bedtime Games is a new horror series from Nick Keller, Conor Nolan, Kelly Fitzpatrick, and John J. Hill and we’ve got an exclusive preview of the big first issue. As you can see, the series revolves around three friends named Avery, Owen, and Jamie, who seek to start out their last year in High School be discovering the secretive history behind their chosen school.
That quest starts off with exploring a hidden door they find in the woods surrounding their homes, but at some point, they will learn that there’s a much darker history lurking underneath the calm and serene facade. When that happens, they’ll have a lot more to worry about than cuts and slow scooters.

Did someone say ancient evil? In hindsight, maybe this wasn’t the best senior year mission after all. They probably should’ve just saran wrapped the principle’s car or something. Granted, the principle would still be pissed, but it’s better than some ancient supernatural deity who wants to feast on your nightmares right? You’d pick detention over that any day of the week.
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Oh, and a quick rule of thumb. If you are bleeding don’t touch other people’s clothes. It’s just rude man, especially when your friend has a white shirt on. He’s never going to get that out now.
You can find our exclusive preview of Bedtime Games‘ first issue in the gallery.
Bedtime Games #1 is written by Nick Keller, drawn by Conor Nolan, colored by Kelly Fitzpatrick, and lettered by John J. Hill. The official description for the new series can be found below.
“As summer comes to an end, three friends start senior year with a bang by exploring the mysterious past of their school. But before the night is over, their adventure turns into trouble when the kids set loose an evil that seeks to prey on their worst nightmares.
Brand-new horror from Nick Keller (Death Head), Conor Nolan (Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Giants), Kelly Fitzpatrick (Shade the Changing Girl), and John J. Hill (God Country).”
Bedtime Games #1 hits comic stores on June 27.