AHOY Comics is celebrating its fifth anniversary with a two-issue miniseries event from writer Tom Peyer and artists Jamal Igle and Juan Castro. The team returns to The Wrong Earth, the publisher’s first hit series, which centered on a superhero-and-sidekick team who find themselves teamed with alternate-Earth versions of one another with profoundly different philosophies on heroism. In the new issue, which features prose material by The Flintstones and Second Coming writer Mark Russell, “with Dragonflyman, Dragonfly, and the rest of the masked crime-fighters trapped elsewhere in the multiverse, Earth-Alpha’s police, government, and banks are taken over by dastardly villains! New heroes emerge–but can they prevail?”
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AHOY has provided ComicBook.com with an exclusive first look at both covers from the first issue — one featuring both Dragonfly and Dragonflyman, and the other featuring a cadre of new, anthropomorphic animal heroes in an homage to the classic cover to Giant-Sized X-Men #1.
“Originally we thought about arranging for two artists to draw the two separate worlds, but that would have been a huge mistake,” Peyer told ComicBook.com back in 2018. “Jamal has approached both worlds, and both heroes, with such care and thoughtfulness and invention, he quickly became the series’ legitimate co-creator. The Wrong Earth would have been very different without him, and not as good.”
The series has since been featured in a few different stories, including some spinoff tales. While AHOY has continued to churn out acclaimed and interesting books, there are few they come back to more often than The Wrong Earth.
You can see both covers below.
Here’s the official synopsis for the issue:
(W) Tom Peyer
(A) Jamal Igle, Juan Castro
Cover A: Jamal Igle
Cover B: Jon Proctor
AHOY’s first hit series returns with a two-issue anniversary celebration from creators Tom Peyer and Jamal Igle (Dudley Datson)! With Dragonflyman, Dragonfly, and the rest of the masked crime-fighters trapped elsewhere in the multiverse, Earth-Alpha’s police, government, and banks are taken over by dastardly villains! New heroes emerge–but can they prevail? Also featuring a new chapter of the AHOY 5th anniversary prose serial by Mark Russell (SECOND COMING)!
Incentive cover by Jon Proctor (POE’S SNIFTER OF DEATH).
October 4, 2023