
Doom’s Reason For Saving the World Revealed

Doctor Doom reveals to Valeria Ricahrds his reasons for taking over the world.

One World Under Doom is giving readers one of the most interesting Marvel events in years. The story sees Doctor Doom — having manipulated himself into the mantle of the Sorcerer Supreme — taking over the world. However, instead of a bloody battle, the leaders of the world basically cede everything to Doom, creating the worldwide kingdom of Latveria. Doom immediately sets out to make the world a better place, something that the Fantastic Four and the Avengers don’t trust at all. This leads to One World Under Doom #2, by Ryan North and R.B. Silva, which kicks off with the Fantastic Four trying to figure out what to do about Doom. Valeria Richards asks her parents if she can go see a friend, but really goes to see Doom

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Doom and Valeria have a special relationship. They treat each other like family, trusting each other in ways they don’t really trust anyone. Valeria wants to know if what Doom is doing is on the level, and why exactly Doom has taken over the world. This leads to Doom and Valeria traveling the world and beyond, all so Doom can tell his beloved goddaughter why he’s taken over the world. What follows is honestly sort of expected, but hints are given about what exactly is going on behind the scenes in Doom’s mind.

Doctor Doom Is Saving the World for the Most Doctor Doom Reason Ever

Doctor Doom asks Valeria to defend democracy in One World Under Doom #2

Doom and Valeria begin their conversation in a minor Canadian city. Doom asks Valeria to defend democracy to him. Valeria sets out to do so by bringing up the alternatives and says that it’s a better system of government than anarchy, at the very least, where the needs of the individual outweigh everything. Doom agrees with her at this point, but then brings up a fact that she’s leaving out — that the international system is basically anarchy as well. Doom talks about how the governments of the Earth basically do what Valeria just talked about as a detriment — weighing their needs more than those of their neighbors, creating a world where everything is left to the whims of the powerful. This is actually a pretty astute way of looking at the world; the chaos of international relations can bring countries together as allies and then just as quickly destroy those alliances. Doom is right to an extent, and asks why Valeria refuses to accept anarchy on an individual scale, but accept it on the world stage.

Valeria knows Doom very well, and isn’t buying it; she knows better than Doom doing anything for completely altruistic reasons. So, Doom tells her — he’s doing what he’s doing for glory. It’s the same reason he does anything and Doom tells Valeria that this is how she should know that he’s sincere. Valeria then brings up fascism and Doom cuts her off before she can even finish the word. Doom tells her that his new order isn’t fascist, because fascism is always built upon a lie, while Doom’s new world is built upon the truth — that Doom is the only person worthy of ruling the world, that he is the only one able to unify the chaos of the world. Valeria tells him that claim doesn’t have any proof behind it, and that she can’t follow his way of thinking. However, Doom tells her to trust him because he will prove to her that everything he’s saying is a hundred perfect true.

Doctor Doom Is Trying to Prove the Truth, But Can He be Trusted?

Doctor Doom takes Valeria to the moon and tells her why he's taken over the world in One World Under Doom

So, the reveal of Doom’s motive isn’t exactly surprising. Doctor Doom has always sought glory since he took his throne; it’s easy to believe that Doom would take over the world to aggrandize himself. However, his argument — that his taste for glory is the reason why he should be trusted — doesn’t really pass muster and Valeria is right to question it. Doom has basically done everything that he’s ever done for glory and many of those times turned out terribly. Doom’s promise to prove it to Valeria is more intriguing, but even that doesn’t sell his motive as altruistic.

While it’s true that Doom has never lied to Valeria, the problem with Doom isn’t his intentions but his actions. So, Doom may be telling the truth about his reasoning, but that doesn’t mean that everything is going to turn out the way he plans. There’s definitely something more going on here than meets than the eye, with even Valeria not exactly believing her godfather.

One World Under Doom #2 is on sale where ever comics are sold.