AWA has teamed up with fan-favorite writer Garth Ennis and superstar artist Goran Sudžuka to deliver a deluxe and extended edition of their hit comic series Marjorie Finnegan, Temporal Criminal. Available now on Kickstarter, and as of this writing over $45,000 ahead of its initial goal, the extended edition of Marjorie Finnegan includes a new wraparound cover art by Amanda Conner (Harley Quinn), a brand-new full-length issue story, and never-before-seen material from Garth’s archives. Tiers for the Kickstarter not only include a softcover edition of the release but also the opportunity to join Garth Ennis and AWA CCO Axel Alonso for a virtual Q&A.
Videos by had the chance to ask Ennis a few questions about the collection and the Kickstarter, where he confirmed that quite a lot of what’s included will never see the light of day in another printing again. Check out our chat below and head over to the the official Kickstarter page here. What came first, the out-of-the-box ideas that define Marjorie Finnegan, Temporal Criminal, or the prospect of getting to see Goran draw any/everything you can imagine?
Garth Ennis: The story always comes first, but knowing there’s an artist as good as Goran to draw it is a huge boon. He’s one of those artists that can handle anything you throw at him – perfect for nutso stuff like this.
CB: The original series didn’t shy away from doing well, so what makes this a “director’s cut?” What elements are you able to include in this collection that weren’t in the original versions?
GE: The story itself is unchanged – personally I don’t like chopping and changing things after they’ve seen print (unless errors need to be corrected), I can only think of about two movies that were improved with director’s cuts. What makes this special is the wealth of supplementary material we’ve been able to include, and, of course, the new story.
CB: Which is easier for you, the colorful insults found in Marjorie Finnegan or the demented deaths?
GE: Probably the insults, they tend to flow quite naturally.
CB: You’re including “never-before-seen” content in the collection, and even stuff from your archives, can you tease what these elements will be?
You’ll see a lot of cover and art development material, an original script, various other bits and pieces. Even, god help us, a couple of my own cover sketches- which no sane person should have to see.
CB: You also have a new story included. Will this be the only place for readers to ever get that?
It may possibly be available in a reprint someday, but that won’t be a tasty oversized hardcover like this one. And none of the other backmatter will appear again.
CB: Marjorie Finnegan is already set to be a feature film. In the pages of the comic you’re able to show a lot that is either not feasible in live-action or Hollywood might just totally scrap. What do you hope about the comic doesn’t change from page to screen?
One word: Dina.
She’s Marjorie Finnegan. She’s a temporal criminal. What more do you need to know? Oh, all right then: all Marj wants to do is race up and down the time-lanes, stealing every shiny-gleamy-pretty-sparkly she can lay her hands on. But her larcenous trail from the Big Bang to the Ninety-fifth Reich has drawn the beady eye of the Temporal PD, whose number one Deputy Marshall is now hard on our heroine’s tail– and taking things extremely personally. Worse still, Marj’s worthless creep of an ex and his even scummier partner have seen an angle of their own in all this, and now intend to use her time-tech to change history for their own benefit. Marj’s only ally? A guy called Tim. And he’s just a head.