Getting Dizzy #1 Review: A Promising Debut Destined for Greatness

Whether we admit it or not, everyone likes to feel special. For some, the desire is a one-and-done situation, but others covet greatness. We've seen these characters crop up in comics again and again, but Boom Studios has a new take on the trope. Getting Dizzy debuts this week with one unlikely hero leading its charge, and the colorful debut prepares this comic for greatness.

The introductory issue goes a little something like this: Writer Shea Fontana introduces fans to a young girl named Dizzy who is destined for greatness. Or at least, that is what she sees in her future. From skating to ballet and band, Dizzy does her best to stand out from the crowd, and she does so in the worst of ways. Rather than becoming great, Dizzy stumbles into exile as all of her hobbies turn into a total disaster. But like so many heroines before her, things change when Dizzy experiences something out of this world.

(Photo: Boom Studios)

To be precise, Dizzy is roped into a fantastical world where she's chosen to be the 'Burb Defender. Armed with wayward magic and skates, Dizzy must work with her new friends to defeat a gang of bad-vibe monsters, but she cannot do it alone. Even in this first issue, Dizzy is set up to form a group of rollerskating superheroes, and each of them will need to practice before heading to battle.

As expected from Fontana, Getting Dizzy #1 is a bright story filled with one-liners and referential quips for readers to laugh at. Artist Celia Moscote pairs the lively dialogue with gorgeous art that is both bold and soft. Natalia Nesterenko brings that art to life with a gorgeous color palatte befitting any magical girl. And in true superhero style, letterer Jim Campbell brings weight to Fontana's story with all the right emphasis.

In its debut chapter, Getting Dizzy proves this superhero miniseries has what it takes to be special, but it does have some heavy lifting to do before its finale. The limited series has three issues left to flesh out Dizzy's dreams of greatness alongside her skater squad. The feat won't be easy, but such a fantastical tale is right up Fontana's alley. If anyone can do the work, Boom Studios found the right team to do it, and issue one does set things up just so.

The only complaint I've got about the first issue boils down to pacing. The first half is lilting and a bit heartbreaking as Dizzy confronts her failures. This slow pace is hurried out of nowhere when the heroine's new powers appear, and it felt a bit jarring considering how slow the finish feels. Of course, pacing is hardly an issue with any comic debuts, and Getting Dizzy is fun enough to see it through this small bump.

Published by Boom Studios

On November 17, 2021

Written by Shea Fontana

Art by Celia Moscote

Colors by Natalia Nesterenko

Letters by Jim Campbell

Cover by Celia Moscote and Natalia Nesterenko