Peter Stanchek is back and…well, he’s a bit crazier than ever. Through two issues of an all-new series by Colin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Robbi Rodriguez, the world’s most powerful (and dangerous) superhero has woken from a slumber with a serious case of amnesia, and he’s trying his best to figure out what’s all happened. Valiant Comics has provided with an advanced copy of The Harbinger #2 for review, and you’ll find an exclusive preview at some of the interior pages from Rodriguez scattered throughout the review below.
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For the uninitiated, Stanchek is something one calls a psiot within the Valiant Universe. A certain type of human with psychic powers that often manifest themselves in a wide array of ways. When it comes to Stanchek, the character is the psiot, hands-down the most powerful of the bunch in-universe. Since psiots control their powers with their mind, the fact that Stanchek has lost his memories and is subsequently on the verge of a mental health crisis kickstarts a stellar story that’s exceptionally thrilling.

Picking up immediately after the events of The Harbinger #1, this second issue dives even further into Stanchek’s psyche and his current frame of mind. As with the debut issue, his conversation with the series’ antagonist continues throughout the issue, before the ultimate reveal is made in the book’s final moments. It’s through this Kelly and Lanzing have set the ultimate platform for a story that’s sure to take you by surprise. With tones of Lemire and Smallwood’s Moon Knight, this title keeps you guessing for any frame to the next.

In fact, the mystery and trying to piece together what happened made this critic quickly gloss over some of the issue’s shortcomings. Stanchek’s been propped up and shrouded in so much mystery so far, there’s been a certain lack of depth. The character, thus far, has been sticking with one note and is a little flat. That said, the complications introduced here are starting to introduce some complexity to Stanchek, and should that continue, it’ll flesh the character out nicely.
Between the mind-bending storyโwhich pairs seamlessly with stellar lineart from RodriguezโThe Harbinger has cranked out two great issues about the return of Peter Stanchek. There’s still a little more character work I’d like to see done, but so far, a complex plot sets the stage for one insane story.
Published by Valiant Comics
Written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing
Art by Robbi Rodriguez
Colors by Rico Renzi
Letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou