AT&T Cares About The 'Justice League' Snyder Cut

Zack Snyder's cut of Justice League is something of a superhero movie mythical unicorn at this [...]

Zack Snyder's cut of Justice League is something of a superhero movie mythical unicorn at this point with no one really sure a completed "Snyder Cut" featuring the director's vision before Joss Whedon came in and took over the project even exists. However now that the AT&T/Time Warner deal is complete, fans have turned to the telecom giant with their appeal to "Release The Snyder Cut" only to get an interesting response.

A fan named Chris (@grayghost84) used Twitter to reach out to AT&T's official account and ask them to release the hypothetical version of Justice League quickly as a "sign of good faith" to fans. AT&T's customer service account, @ATTCares, replied.

"Hey Chris, thanks for your feedback, We are always looking to expand. We are always here you," the reply read.

Clearly, the tweet appears to be something of a standard, stock reply and possibly may not even know what the original tweet is even referring to. Another fan on Twitter shared screenshots of their own contact with @ATTCares asking for the "Snyder Cut" to be released and they got a similar response.

"We're constantly improving our services. Please keep checking back for an update on the release of The Snyder Cut. Thank you," the message read.

As for debate about the very existence of the footage, the debate over that heated up in a more significant way than generic responses on Twitter. Screenwriter Mark Hughes posted that he has "tried to explain to fans a completed 'Snyder Cut' doesn't exist. An initial cut was done w/incomplete footage, missing pickups, no reshoots, missing VFX, etc. So, it's impossible to 'release the Snyder Cut' that doesn't exist. BUT, that said, there's an alternative..."

It prompted a response from Justice League storyboard artist Jay Oliva who said that while it wouldn't be a polished film, all of the planned scenes for Snyder's version had been shot and edited into the correct timeline for the movie. According to Oliva, that means that a Snyder cut absolutely exists, just not in a final, theatrical release form. It's Oliva's assertion that some version of a Snyder Cut exists that has fans hopeful that either AT&T's purchase of Time Warner will see the footage released -- possibly even at San Diego Comic-Con next month.

What are your thoughts on the possibility of a Snyder Cut of Justice League? Sound off in comments below.