Jai Courtney Confirms The Suicide Squad Filming, Unsure On Mutton Chops

Jai Courtney is excited to start shooting The Suicide Squad, which he says he will be leaving for [...]

Jai Courtney is excited to start shooting The Suicide Squad, which he says he will be leaving for this weekend, but he can't commit to his character's hairstyle in the James Gunn reinvention of the property. The character's trademark mutton chops, which carried over from the comics, are not in the cards for him at the moment, since he just wrapped on another job. He was not sure whether he would grow it out, or get makeup, or somewhere in between. In the interview with Collider, which you can see above, he also seemed totally shocked to hear about Henry Cavill's Justice League mustache.

The interview saw Courtney try to say something without saying something -- a familiar dance to any star who has appeared in big budget blockbusters where reporters and their audiences have a lot of interest in the project.

"It's going to be totally different," Courtney said. "I don't know what I can say. Of course it's going ot be different in tone. it's got James Gunn stuff all over it, we're going to meet some new people, and it's going to be a lot of fun."

Unlike most casting reports that surface online, Courtney leaked his own casting in an interview earlier this year. He has not been able to say much, but has praised James Gunn and talked repeatedly about how excited he is to get back to work on the franchise.

"Yeah, yeah I am," Courtney said while speaking to The Hollywood Reporter. "I said it the other day in an interview and I felt like I let the cat out of the bag. But I haven't been sworn to secrecy about that, so I guess it's okay to say that I will be. As far as I know anyway. Unless I'm gonna get a call between now and then, and they'll be like, 'You blew it, dog. You're out.'"

He has been pretty guarded in interviews, including the one seen above, but has said that he is excited to jump back into the role and start mixing it up with the rest of the Suicide Squad.

"Just getting back with the gang and mixing it up. I loved playing Captain Boomerang, who's like a total raucous nightmare. Just looking forward to reprising that and getting the gold tooth back in and getting after it."

Are you looking forward to James Gunn's take on The Suicide Squad? What other characters do you want to see return? Let us know in the comments!