DC Teases Batman: Joker War

It looks like Batman and Joker are headed for war. DC Comics released its April 2020 […]

It looks like Batman and Joker are headed for war. DC Comics released its April 2020 solicitations. Included with them is the solicitation for is Batman #93, the final issue of new writer James Tynion IV‘s first story arc on the series, “Their Dark Designs.” The issue sees Batman coming face-to-face with the new villain called the Designer, but Tony S. Daniel’s cover for the issue features an old foe, the Joker. The solicitation for the issue teases something called “Joker War approaching. While it doesn’t provide much in the way of details, but it does suggest that Gotham City will soon find itself caught in the middle of a war between Batman and his archnemesis.

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The solicitation text for Batman #93 teases, “Batman faces off with the Designer as ‘Their Dark Designs’ reaches its epic climax! In the last year, Batman has lost more than he could have imagined, and now he faces a cost so dear it will change the course of his life. And there is worse on the horizon. In the midst of all the horror, he can feel the drumbeat of battle. ‘Joker War’ is coming, and Gotham City will never be the same.”

It sounds like Batman is going to have his hands full in the coming year. Check out the issue’s cover below:

DC Comics announced Tynion would take over as the new writer on Batman, with a rotating roster of artists, on Batman Day in September 2019. “I loved writing stories for [Batman] Eternal, Detective Comics, and even Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but my desire to tell a Batman story, one focusing solely on Bruce Wayne instead of an ensemble, is what drove me back to the Batcave,” Tynion said in a statement. “I want to dig deep into the Bat himself and tell an epic story that pushes him to his absolute limits. I want to tell a Batman story like the kinds I grew up loving, one that embraces the horror and gothic elegance of Gotham and dives deep into Batman’s greatest villains.”

Batman #93 goes on sale in April. The issue’s full solicitations text follows.

written by JAMES TYNION IV
cover by TONY S. DANIEL
card stock variant cover by FRANCESCO MATTINA

Batman faces off with the Designer as “Their Dark Designs” reaches its epic climax! In the last year, Batman has lost more than he could have imagined, and now he faces a cost so dear it will change the course of his life. And there is worse on the horizon. In the midst of all the horror, he can feel the drumbeat of battle. “Joker War” is coming, and Gotham City will never be the same.

ON SALE 04.15.20
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
This issue will ship with two covers.
Please see the order form for details.