Andrew Dice Clay Rants About Batman V Superman

Once famous comedian Andrew Dice Clay dropped by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon to drum up [...]


Once famous comedian Andrew Dice Clay dropped by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon to drum up interest in his new Showtime series, Dice, and performed five-minutes worth of stand-up.

Much of his set focused on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and how he can't even fathom The Dark Knight being in the same league as the Man of Steel. He thinks of the Caped Crusader as merely a billionaire egomaniac that drives around in a "souped up Trans Am" and has a utility belt equipped with a "flashlight" and "some pepper spray."

Dice then talks about all the wonderful things Superman can do and which superpower he wish he had. "He's the man of steel!" the 58-year-old exclaimed. "He looks at a pipe, it bends. I wish I had that X-ray vision. I'd be in Victoria's Secrets every day, just browsing."

In true Dice Clay fashion, he closes out his rant with a nursery rhyme. "Jack be nimble, jack be quick. Anyone thinks they can kick Superman's a** is full of it. Oh!"

(via Yahoo)

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Have you seen Dawn of Justice yet? If so, go rate it in the Movie Database for a chance to win your very own Armored Batman figure!

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is now playing in theaters.
