After eight years, countless episodes, and an array of costumed superheroes, Arrow is coming to an end tonight. The long-running The CW series has certainly made quite an impact on the DC TV landscape, which left a lot of possibilities open for its series finale. The final episode offered plenty of long-awaited moments and reunions — and a massive amount of returning faces. The series finale saw the return of characters from all across Arrow‘s run, ranging from the very first season to more recent episodes.
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If you need help keeping track of everyone who returned in Arrow‘s series finale, we’re here to help. Read on to figure out who was who in the show’s bittersweet final episode.
Team Arrow

Of course, the finale primarily revolved around a lot of the “Team Arrow” that has consistently helped Oliver over the course of this past season. John Diggle (David Ramsey), Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy), Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy), and Rene Ramirez (Rick Gonzalez) have all stuck by Oliver’s side in his final journey — which made sense that they would be there at the very end.
Slade Wilson

The episode opened with a scene that was all-too-familiar for Arrow fans — the death of Moira Queen (Susanna Thompson) in the Season 2 episode “Seeing Red”. The moment famously occurred by the hands of Slade Wilson/Deathstroke (Manu Bennett), who made Oliver choose whether to sacrifice Moira or his sister, Thea Queen (Willa Holland), before ultimately stabbing Moira with a sword anyway. In this post-“Crisis” version of the moment, Oliver managed to get a weapon while in his restraints, and used it to fight off Slade – and, by extension, save Moira.
Moira Queen

…Because of that event being changed in the “Crisis” of it all, Moira was still alive in the present day. This was initially confirmed by her appearance in the Emerald Archer documentary, and by her being present as everyone else paid tribute to Oliver.
Roy Harper

Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) has gone from Oliver’s prodigee to a bonafide hero in his own right, and he returned to play a part in the final pre-“Crisis” fight involving Oliver and everyone else. He did still have his robot hand in this post-“Crisis” universe, which arguably raises a whole set of questions about Oliver’s universe-creating priorities.ย
Mia Smoak-Queen

Given her role for the past season-or-so, it was safe to assume that Mia Smoak-Queen (Katherine McNamara) would be present in the series finale. Oliver and Felicity’s future daughter was reunited with her present-day parents in an array of ways — and was even given the mantle of Green Arrow by Oliver shortly before his death.
Sara Lance

…And Mia was brought from 2040 to the present-day by Sara Lance, who used her various time travel technology to help out. She then briefly returned for the funeral itself, and ran into some familiar faces in the process (who we’ll get to in a bit).
Thea Queen

Soon after, Roy reunited with Thea once again, who had come to town for Oliver’s funeral. Over the course of the episode, Thea came to terms with Oliver’s post-“Crisis” legacy — and decided to emotionally open up and accept Roy’s marriage proposal.
Quentin Lance

One of the biggest post-“Crisis” resurrections came on behalf of Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne), who had never died at the hands of Ricardo Diaz in Season 6. In this new timeline, Quentin was able to continue to be the mayor of Star City, although he was preparing to step down in the role.
Curtis Holt

Former Team Arrow member Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum) also returned for the funeral — and to provide some tech support when young William Clayton-Queen was briefly kidnapped.
Felicity Smoak

After fans – and other characters – spent time speculating about when Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) would return — she finally did. The episode saw her undergo some major moments – searching for her stepson, meeting her adult daughter, and then reuniting with Oliver in the afterlife in the series’ final moments.
Rory Regan

Another former team member who made it back to Star City was Rory Regan/Ragman (Joe Dinicol), who had previously abandoned being a vigilante after his magical rags began to lose their powers. Rory suited up as Ragman and helped the team in the field, and revealed that his rags had regained their abilities, and he was using them to fight for injustice in Oliver’s memory.
Emiko Queen

Oliver’s actual funeral revealed a few more characters who had been brought back to life in a post-“Crisis” world, including Emiko Queen (Sea Shimooka), Oliver’s half-sister who previously operated as one of the leads of the Ninth Circle. Just based off of the scenes we saw her in – including her meeting and being welcomed by Thea and Moira – it’s unclear if she still went down a similar path and was later redeemed, or had a different fate entirely.
Tommy Merlyn

Another notable resurrection came in the form of Tommy Merlyn (Colin Donnell), who had never died in the Undertaking in the post-“Crisis” timeline. As Tommy explained to Laurel, he had eventually gotten married to Earth-1’s Laurel Lance, before she (seemingly) died at the hands of Damien Darhk in Season 4.
Talia and Nyssa al Ghul

The finale also saw the return of Nyssa al Ghul (Katrina Law) and Talia al Ghul (Lexa Doig), who remarked about Nyssa and Oliver’s forced “marriage” at the homophobic hands of R’as al Ghul in Season 3. Nyssa confirmed that she had the marriage erased, and then introduced Talia to Sara, confirming that – all these years later – she’s still her “beloved”.
Barry Allen and Kara Danvers

Two of Oliver’s biggest allies in the vigilante world – and two of the many people he wanted to carry on his legacy – also returned in the finale. Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin) and Kara Danvers/Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) also appeared to give their respects.ย
Anatoly Knyazev

Another surprising face at the finale was Anatoly Knyazev (David Nykl), Oliver’s oldest ally in the Russian mafia.
The Monitor

And finally, the series’ final scene showed a moment not unlike Arrow‘s Season 7 finale, Felicity met with The Monitor (LaMonica Garrett), and asked for him to reunite her with Oliver. As we had expected with the original Season 7 scene, The Monitor granted her wish, and Felicity re-emerged in a version of Moira Queen’s (Susanna Thompson) office. While there, she was reunited with a younger Oliver, and they remarked about their new second chance at a life together.
Given the fact that The Monitor brutally died in the middle of the “Crisis”, this certainly seems to indicate that the post-“Crisis” universe brought him back to life — which raises a whole lot of questions about the Arrowverse’s cosmic future.