Batwoman: David Ramsey Teases Diggle's Role in Luke's Batwing Evolution

On Tuesday The CW made it official. Batwing is headed to Batwoman's Gotham City with Luke Fox [...]

On Tuesday The CW made it official. Batwing is headed to Batwoman's Gotham City with Luke Fox (Camrus Johnson) suiting up as the hero. The network released an official first look at the live-action Batwing and while becoming Batwing is a core part of Luke's journey throughout the rest of Season 2 according to The CW, a visit to Gotham from Arrow's John Diggle will play an important role in Luke's transformation, something actor David Ramsey recently explained to Entertainment Weekly.

Diggle will come to Gotham in this week's episode of Batwoman, "Rebirth", and Ramsey said Diggle will have a role in Luke fulfilling his Batwing destiny.

"He really helps a major character take their next step into their own destiny of becoming a full-fledged superhero," Ramsey said. "Diggle has always been the person who can really tap into the humanity of our major characters. That was really what he did for [Arrow's] Oliver Queen. If you remember, the first time we saw Oliver, he was a killer. He met John Diggle and really tapped into his humanity, and it went further when he met Felicity Smoak. So that talent of really being able to tap into one's humanity is really part of the superhero power of John Diggle, and that's what he brings to Kelly Olsen on Supergirl, and that's what he brings to Batwoman."

As for Luke's transition to Batwing, it's something that has been planned from the beginning.

"I've been looking forward to seeing Batwing since we decided to make Luke Fox a fundamental part of our Bat Team way back in the pilot development stages," Batwoman showrunner Caroline Dries said in a statement. "I can speak for Cam when I say, So has he! But this character couldn't come out of nowhere. We built this character from a deeply personal and complicated Luke story that we began setting up in season one, and I look forward to unfolding it over the course of season three."

"Honestly, it's hard to explain how much it means to me to wear the Batwing suit and officially play my first superhero," Johnson added. "The main reason I wanted to be in Batwoman was for this opportunity - to give kids like me another black hero to look up to and relate to. It's hard not to smile when I catch myself in the mirror with the bat symbol on my chest, and I'll keep smiling through every fight scene, every awesome stunt, and every Gotham night where Batwing is finally in the field!"

Batwoman airs Sundays at 9/8c on The CW. "Rebirth" will air on June 13th.