It's Dick Grayson Versus a Giant Squid in Our Exclusive Preview of 'Nightwing' #40
DC has provided with an exclusive preview of Nightwing #40, out in stores next week [...]
DC has provided with an exclusive preview of Nightwing #40, out in stores next week from writer Sam Humphries and artist Bernard Chang.
The issue, which cover copy promises will see Dick face off against the "Sea Butcher," begins with the hero moments away from drowning and eye to eye with a giant beast of the deep. Things can only get better from there, right?
Humphries and Chang are nearing the finale of their run, with Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly coming on board to replace Humphries with for #42 and Michael Moreci filling in on #43 before Teen Titans and Green Arrow veteran Benjamin Percy takes over the reins with #44 in May.
Nightwing (2016) #40 Gallery
There is no word yet on whether Chang, who left Batman Beyond to take on Nightwing, will remain in the art rotation for the title, although it seems likely given that another recent, high-profile move -- Brian Bendis's Superman takeover -- will retain much of the rotating art team for SupermanAction Comics, including outgoing co-writer Patrick Gleason.
Nightwing is arguably one of the characters whose big-picture "take" has been least impacted by the last half-dozen years of constant DC revamping and retooling. Other than a costume change and a change of venue, Dick Grayson was not fundamentally altered that much for The New 52, and generally his books were fairly well-received during that much-maligned era in DC's publishing history. Since Rebirth, Nightwing has been a success story with Tim Seeley picking up where his and Tom King's Grayson left off before handing the baton over to Humphries, who has managed to keep up the energy level in spite of having a run short enough that it seems pretty clear he was never called in to pitch the "next generation of stories."
You can see the preview pages in the attached image gallery, and the official solicitation text below.
"THE UNTOUCHABLE: DEEP DIVE!" He's already been shot and stabbed, and there's no end in sight for Nightwing as he's forced to face off against the League of Limousine Assassins in the Silver Springs Casino! Meanwhile, the Judge's rise to power culminates with his most explosive move yet.
Nightwing #40 will be available in stores and online on Wednesday, March 7.