Vertigo, an imprint of DC, has provided ComicBook.com with an exclusive preview of next week’s Suiciders: Kings of HelL.A. #4, due on the stands Wednesday, June 29.
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The preview contains mature content.
In the issue, Trix can no longer hide the news from her brother Johnny that she’s pregnant, but even if he finds out, he has other concerns to deal with first. He and the Kings have been causing so much trouble in Los Angeles, they’ve quickly become the city’s most wanted. The police aren’t the only ones on the hunt for the gang, though. Leonard is looking to put the broken pieces of his life back together.
“I think that the whole nature vs nurture argument is always interesting when it comes to following characters who have been so heavily ‘molded’ by an event outside of their control,” creator Lee Bermejo told ComicBook.com around the time of the Kings of HelL.A. launch. “These are teenagers who haven’t grown up on stable ground, literally and figuratively.They have a much different outlook on how long life can last, and expect things to fall apart at any moment. It creates a heightened sense of drama and stakes. That’s always a blast to write.”
“I love the volatile nature of Los Angeles,” Bermejo added. “It’s a city of extreme contradictions, beautiful but horrendous at the same time. It can feel both extremely stimulating and extremely vacuous.Those contradictions make it an interesting place to write about.Having grown up in southern California, it’s also a place I feel I know a little better.”
You can check out the preview pages below. The issue will be available at comic stores and on ComiXology next Wednesday.