John Cleese Now Following Justice League and Ben Affleck on Twitter

DC Comics and movie fans got excited recently when an eagle-eyed Twitter user noticed that people [...]

DC Comics and movie fans got excited recently when an eagle-eyed Twitter user noticed that people behind the scenes of some big upcoming DC Extended Universe films started following Monty Python icon John Cleese on Twitter. Speculation immediately ran rampant that Cleese was joining the DCEU in some capacity - possibly being introduced in Zack Snyder's Justice League.

Now there's even further evidence that John Cleese is joining the DCEU. Twitter user Dennis Lamb provided the following update, which certainly seems to help cement the case that Cleese has been cast in DC movies:

With Cleese now following Zack Snyder and Ben Affleck, we may have more than just soft confirmation that he's part of the DCEU - we may have better indication of where he will fit into things.

The immediate conclusion to jump to is that Cleese has a major DCEU role. Reddit has already gone wild with speculation that he's playing everyone from Dr. Fate to Granny Goodness to bombastic anti-Justice League TV host, G. Gordon Godfrey. The latter would be the most likely of that bunch; Cleese isn't known for big blockbuster franchise roles, but rather his comedic cameos in films.

To that end, one of the better theories is that the actor and comedy icon could be used ironically in Justice League, popping up in cameo as everything from an eccentric friend, to riffing on his Monty Python days by playing King Arthur in flashback, inheriting mankind's Mother Box.


In any case, Cleese seemingly joining the DCEU is a good "canary in the mine" sign that indeed these films are getting a needed injection of humor. We should hear soon enough who Cleese is actually playing, and in what film(s) he'll be starring.

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